Holy Week and Easter schedule
Greetings in the name of the Lord,
Holy Week begins this Sunday, March 28. Holy Week marks the days leading up to Jesus’ death and resurrection. There will be a number of opportunities to remember in worship the events of Holy Week at Plattville Lutheran Church.
Sunday, March 28, is Palm Sunday. We will celebrate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem during the regular 9:15 worship service. Palms will be provided to the children during the service. We will conclude the worship with the children marching through the sanctuary waving their palms while the congregation sings the closing hymn.
Wednesday, March 31, we will continue our midweek Lenten series, A Fulfilling Life: A Fulfilling Teaching. The worship will begin at 7:00 p m.
April 1 is Maundy Thursday. We will again worship at 7:00 p m to remember the event of Jesus being betrayed by one disciple and abandoned by the rest. This service continues our Lenten theme A Fulfilling Life: A Fulfilling Betrayal and Abandonment.
Good Friday, April 2, the worship service will observe the crucifixion of Jesus and mark the end of our Lenten journey for 2021. This worship will also begin at 7:00 p m. This will conclude our series, A Fulfilling Life: A Fulfilling Death.
Sunday, April 4, is Easter. We will celebrate the resurrection of our Lord with worship services beginning at 7:00 a m and 9:15 a m. We rejoice that we can worship in person this Easter. However, we still need to maintain our pandemic mitigations. Masks will be required and proper social distancing between family groups will be observed. Please be aware that it may be necessary to seat some attendees in the basement. Holy Communion will be celebrated at both services. Unfortunately, there will be no Easter pancake breakfast this year. As the proceeds from the breakfast assisted our confirmands to attend Lutherdale Bible Camp during the summer, a freewill offering for this purpose will be collected following the Easter worship services.
So in review, the Holy Week schedule is this:
March 28, Palm Sunday worship at 9:15 a m.
March 31, Midweek Lenten service at 7:00 p m.
April 1, Maundy Thursday service at 7:00 p m.
April 2, Good Friday service at 7:00 p m.
April 4, Easter Day worship with Communion at 7:00 and 9:15 a m.
Have a blessed day.
Pastor Bret